
Celebrating Penti

All the villagers went to light candles to their relative’s graves to invite all the spirits to get involved in the ceremony. I and my relatives went to our grandparents’ graves in order to invite the spirits to be together in “ Penti ” celebration. Bapa Riska who led the ritual at the cemetery had on his hands betel and cigarettes made from palm flower and tobacco that rolled together. It is believed that those are what our ancestor used to consume and smoke when they were still alive. It can be true because this habit is still seen in the current generation of Wakos people. Bapa Riska (right) preparing cigarettes served at the graves After all villagers did rituals at their graves, they were getting prepared for the main event. Adults had their towels on their shoulders and went to a spring for taking baths. Children shouting when the very cold water hit their bodies and women with their babies gathered to wait for their turn. When the day was getting dark, the chief of the village

Rice Harvest during a Pandemic

Go Beyond Borders During the pandemic, all 8 regencies in Flores established blockades in their borders to prevent from the spread of the Coronavirus, only those who can show their travel documents issued by their Head of the regency and Health certificate who can pass the border. As for me who have stopped working in tourism since February, to stay at home is no longer safe for survival, I had to work outside to support the family especially working which is enough for foods. Wakos, the village where I grew up was chosen to be my escape. Knowing that East Manggarai Regency where Wakos is located still in the green zone making me feel alright to spend my time for main reason to harvest rice with relatives. Like some other people saying that it is not a matter of how to improve your life but how to survive in this difficult times. So, for me rice is main thing to possess so that I and the family still survive during pandemic. Wakos is a village situated in the valley about 900 m

Drink "Arak" for Unity

Manulalu, the Pyramid Mountain, and the Jurassic park of Flores  My first page of 2019 was begun with a tremendous trip to the village hidden in the jungle, Wae Rebo. It was not because of the destination which made it memorable but the journey and lots of luck behind it.  This time, we started the trip from Bajawa, which is about 8 hour-drive to Dintor, the base of Wae Rebo. When knowing this many hours drive, it was only predicable tire appeared in mind added with the story of some bumpy roads created how crazy the trip would be. But, hold on! That was not the end of the story.  The incredible thing before the trip was the atmosphere around Manulalu Vila Bajawa where my guests Ben and Tim were picked up. They were amazed and energized by the beautiful sunrise and sunset around Manulalu with view of pyramid mountain, Inerie.  View around Manulalu, Bajawa This had made us felt that there would be miracle among the storm. Almost the whole part of the island was having bad weather si

Going Wild in Tengku Lese Waterfall

Most of the activities that the travelers do in Flores Island categorized as adventure tourism. It is reasonable due to the place is very mountainous, vary culture, and it needs more physical activities to reach the tourism destinations. According to the Adventure Travel Trade Association, adventure tourism is a tourist activity that includes a physical activity, a cultural exchange, or activities in nature. Adventure tourism is about connecting with a new culture or a new landscape and being physically active at the same time. It is not about being risky or pushing your boundaries. In fact, it is especially important to know and respect your limits while you are in an unfamiliar area. Tengku Lese Waterfall ( source ) During 10 days stay on Flores, Roel and Maaike (Dutch) chose to explore Flores for 4 days. The idea was simply to experience the real life of Indonesia. The tour was started from Labuan Bajo where they have ended up snorkeling and trekking to Komodo Island. One of

A Cup of Coffee From The Top Of Kelimutu


Flores, Durian and Impressions

Komodo dragon and three colored lakes of volcano Kelimutu have made the East Nusa Tenggara province famous, and Flores island especially known by world. Moreover Komodo dragon has become one of new seven wonders of the world, the people are stunned by it. Not only Bali, now foreigners also have alternative way to spend holidays in the small heaven in the east part of Indonesia, in Flores. According to the data tourism department of East Nusa Tenggara province, since the beginning to July of 2016, noted 14.000 foreign tourists visiting East Nusa Tenggara Province. This is increasing 15 percent from the previous year. This is spectacular thing. No wonder, we can see tourists everywhere here. They walk in city, they travel by car and motorcycle, some of them visit the traditional village and feel the fresh  air in the untouched area. They also visit to villages to enjoy other natural gift that we have given.  Because of loving to Flores, some of them repeatedly come to Flores.  For a