
KOBOK, Minuman Pemersatu Berkualitas Premium

“Bapa, nanti kalau situasi kembali normal, saya akan pasarkan tuak  Kobok  ini ke luar negeri, turis-turis saya antar ke sini, Bapa tenang sa, pokoknya Bapa siap sibuk banyak”.  Dengan sangat lantang Ino mengucapkan kalimat itu. Ia melepaskan semua peralatan kamera di tangannya saat Alvin dan saya sibuk mewawancarai Bapa Tomas. Ia beranjak dari tempat duduknya dan berjalan meninggalkan tempat  shooting , ia berjalan tak seperti biasanya, berlenggak-lenggok di antara rak p iring, beruntung saja kakinya tak menginjak ekor anjing yang masih tidur di balik pintu. Mama Ida datang membantu, ia memegang tangannya dan memandunya ke ruang tengah.  “nana, tidur di sini saja dulu”.  Mama Ida berusaha menenangkan sambil membaringkannya ke atas tempat tidur.   Begitu kira-kira efek langsung setelah Ino meminum tuak  Kobok  satu botol ukuran 60 ml berdua dengan Bapa Tomas. Di balik dinding dapur terbuat dari bambu yang hampir lapuk termakan usia itu, mam...

Jalan-Jalan ke Sumber “KOBOK”

Kali ini tim My Flores mengunjungi Kobok yang yang terletak di Kelurahan Ronggakoe, Kecamatan Kota Komba, Kabupaten Manggarai Timur dengan waktu tempuh satu setengah jam menggunakan mobil. Tim My Flores sudah meninggalkan kota Ruteng pukul enam pagi. Kompiang panas yang dibeli di toko Tarsan cukup untuk bekal dalam perjalanan dan juga oleh-oleh buat keluarga yang kami kunjungi di Kobok. Suasana pagi yang sangat dingin di daerah pegunungan menghiasi 30 menit perjalanan kami. Hutan di sekitar danau Rana Mese ditambah dengan nyanyian burung dan juga view persawahan di sekitar kampung Lerang mengharuskan kami berhenti sejenak untuk sekadar meregangkan otot. Tentunya view pagi yang penuh damai ini tak luput dari bidikan kamera Ino dan Alvin yang tampak berlomba lomba mencari angel yang bagus. Dari seberang jalan saya hanya bisa memerhatikan kedua anak manusia ini sibuk ‘berkelahi’ dengan daun talas yang batangnya berukuran lebih tinggi dari mereka, apalagi tanaman ini selalu ...

MAUSUI, the hidden paradise of Flores

February 11, 2021, the city of Ruteng was hit by heavy rain from early morning until the next morning. The sun was invisible, covered in dark clouds which made the atmosphere even more difficult. News about Corona has become commonplace but this time it felt very tense when this outbreak resulted in the closure of several tourist attractions in Flores. Places like Wae Rebo traditional village, Todo traditional village, Bena village, even Kelimutu National Park was also closed. sunset at Mausui (courtesy: Pak Andri ) Ruteng became a stopover on the third day of the 5-day tour in Flores. Some tourism objects around Ruteng were still open to tourists, such as; Cancar spider web rice field, Liang Bua cave and Wulang Pari Kopi, but the rain that did not stop made the comfort of traveling to feel different. Pak Andri, our guest who has been from far away from Jakarta had been surrender to the situation, from the start of planning a trip, he already knew what facts to face when vi...

"Tapa Kolo" The tradition of cooking rice using bamboo.

Wakos village never stops presenting me with new stories, knowledge and experiences of Manggarai-Flores traditions, rituals and culture in every journey I go through. A recent visit led me to a big family that seems to be united in various occasions and who have become very special to me. They gave me my first opportunity to learn and participate in the traditional "tapa kolo" way of cooking rice unique to the region, and of course I leapt at the chance to follow it through step by step and learn of its history. Fresh leaves from the palm tree ("leka" in the Manggarai language), fragrant Pandan leaves, bamboo stems, and of course rice are the main materials used in preparing tapa kolo. The bamboo that was cut has to be very selectively chosen, of a certain age and size. According to Bapa Risa "if it is too old, the water content is less and when it is baked it will burn easily and if it is too young the water content is too much so that it will take a lo...

Nuabosi Cassava

From Ende town it only took us 40 minutes to travel the 15km to Nuabosi village. In truth, it should only have taken us half the time, but we couldn't help pausing to enjoy the spectacular scenery on the way, the natural panoramas, the mountains trailing their verdant feet down to the sea, where jewel like small islands glistened in the warm sun, encapsulating the enchanting beauty of Flores.  Despite January being in the rainy season, the weather in the coastal town of Ende was so scorchingly hot as as we left, we felt we were living close to the sun, but this didn't last too long as we approached Nuabosi, some 800m above sea level. The village, to the north of Ende sits in a cauldron surrounded by hills and is much more temperate. Nuabosi itself encompasses four village administrative areas, Ntetundora I,II and III, and Randotonda. I was visiting with my sister in law Kaka An and on our arrival we were escorted to her Uncle's home where we found him helping in construct...

Flores Experience

I’ve been working as a tour guide in Flores for around five years now. Working as a hotel receptionist, teaching in secondary school, and even as a hotel manager in Labuan Bajo were all part of my life experience, but just a build-up to finding the vocation I’m really passionate about, my current job. Working as a tourist guide is something that has given me so many great lessons. Meeting many new people, learning many new things and travelling around are so very exciting. It was very hard to get established and known as a tour guide, but once I got started I was lucky enough to get some great guests who were kind enough to recommend and publicize me, and through word of mouth and social media I have become known and widely recommended, for which I’m immensely grateful.  I can truly say, my relationship with clients is not just of customer and servant, but relationships frequently building deep friendships which have endured over years. Indeed, several of my clients have ...